Our Mission, Vision, and Values

United through our values, we pledge our full focus and care to help organizations reach all learners.

Advanced Learning Partnerships is a consulting firm led by learners, in the service of learners. Sitting at the intersection of education, innovation, and leadership, we are fiercely loyal to the notion that people and teamwork lead transformations, not technology or programs.

Equal parts partner, designer, and change agent, ALP offers a highly customized, systems-oriented approach recognized for creating effective and sustainable learning models.

Big picture, we strive to empower every learner to be the change their community needs.

Regardless of context or circumstance, our team is united and fueled by long-standing core values that catalyze our design and execution:

Perpetuate Trust: We appreciate and understand the diligence and commitment it takes to earn and sustain trust in a collaborative partnership. Many of our strongest partnerships started small. We continuously earn and deepen trust through a combination of empathy, confidence, experience, and humility. Trust is the foundation for expanding the scope and scale of meaningful change in education. We value honesty, transparency, courage, and collaboration in our partnerships. Whether we work with a student, an educator, or an executive team we give our concerted effort, service, and attention to the collaboration.

Cherish the Inherent Value of People: ALP continuously strives to bring the value of people to the forefront. We recognize the value of voice and choice among adults and children. Our team’s processes are embedded in collaborative work to empower small communities to progressively and courageously change the realities of larger environments. We value the spark and passion that ignites deep learning. We value the learner’s courage to take risks, open up to different perspectives, and try new and creative ways of learning and accomplishing goals.  From implementing scaled change initiatives to cohort-based blended coaching, these values drive our work with learners.

Realize Opportunity: A critical value that drives our work is recognizing and courageously seizing opportunities that exist all around us. We value open access to learning opportunities, technologies, resources, and support. With equitable access, thoughtful integration, the scale of resources, and diversity of opportunity come the capacity to empower and build agency in all learners. We pledge our full attention, flexibility, and creativity toward the realization of every outcome we co-develop and deliver.

Serve with Gratitude: In our work, we are constantly reminded of the honor it is to collaborate with other courageous and talented professionals who share the value of positive and transformational change in education. We are grateful for each opportunity to collaborate in such creative and exciting work. We recognize that a mutually-held sense of gratitude is a necessary cornerstone of any worthwhile endeavor and that none of our aforementioned values can exist without its presence.

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