In Crisis, Opportunity.

The ALP team will draw from over 1,000 years of collective experience as we prepare to serve communities this fall. We pledge our full focus and care to help organizations reach all learners.

You can't teach what you don't do.

What does it mean to be an educator?

In January of this year, our answer to that deceptively simple question would have been quite predictable. Since March, though, we have witnessed so many educators in our profession reveal a more nuanced and humbling elaboration beyond anything we could have ever imagined.

To be an educator in this moment of our society and history is to be a servant. A leader. A beacon of kindness. The innovation, courage, and resilience demonstrated by teachers, administrators, and coaches have brought stability and hope to so many children, families, and communities.

In the face of daily uncertainty and fear this spring, their smiles and confidence brought reassurance. We knew they were figuring things out, taking risks and doing their best every day. They demonstrated that if they could find their way forward, then so could we.

To every educator who has nobly represented our profession this year: Thank you.

Across the United States and Canada, communities are diligently planning for and will soon host our historic, uniquely challenging academic year. Our educators, families and young learners will work together closer than they might ever have in the past. And they will need all the help, the grace, and the humble encouragement we can muster as we navigate our journey together.

This, Advanced Learning Partnerships reflects on its 11-year existence. Our long-standing mission is to strive to empower every learner to be the change their community needs. As an organization, we do our best to abide by and model a growth mindset that informs our everyday actions. And we have so much more to learn. Our actions today are a fraction of their truest potential.

Our own team of educators–with backgrounds as teachers, principals, district administrators, board trustees, and above all, learners–will draw from over 1,000 years of collective experience as we prepare to serve communities this fall. United through our values, we pledge our full focus and care to help organizations reach all learners. While our current circumstances are different, our commitment and approach to scaling purposeful and equitable learning models are long-standing and resolute.

To our incredible partners and communities who have trusted and welcomed us into the work over the years, our gratitude and attentiveness to our evolving horizon are sincere. To those communities whose paths are now crossing with our own, we stand ready to listen, learn, and serve.

Let’s get to work.

Let’s reach everyone.

Let’s bring a moonshot mindset to solving persistent problems.

Let’s bring communities together.


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