Edgar Schein and Humble Inquiry

Editor’s note: This post is one in a series authored by ALP’s Katy Fodchuk entitled Change Leadership: Helping, Mastery, and Appreciative Inquiry, in which she revisits the work of her “guru guides” whose practices and research in numerous organizations have been key drivers in her approach to educational leadership consulting. Edgar Schein (2016) reminded me of a […]

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Change Leadership: Helping, Mastery, and Appreciative Inquiry

Browsing the headlines of my professional learning newsfeed, at once overwhelms and intrigues me. Today, more than ever, educational leaders face multifaceted responsibilities, issues, obstacles, and opportunities. Ensuring safety and Maslow’s (1943) most foundational level of needs (nutrition, shelter, protection from violence) for diverse populations of learners is challenging in and of itself. Then you […]

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