Our Podcasts

Featured Stories

In Crisis, Opportunity.

by jennifer@alplearn.com

The ALP team will draw from over 1,000 years of collective experience as we prepare to serve communities this fall. We pledge our full focus and care to help organizations reach all learners.

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Leadership & Learning in the ‘New Normal’

by Bob Dillon

An element of attentive leadership is an unwavering commitment to the real-time learning of teams. This investment in people amplifies the collective impact and empowers  individuals to be the change their communities need.

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Change Leadership: Helping, Mastery, and Appreciative Inquiry

by Craig Bennett

Reflections on approaches and insights from my “guru guides”

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Most Recent Stories

Summer Pathways Culminating Collaboration

by Katy Fodchuk, Ph.D.

The story is, who you brought with you in spirit…

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Our Values In Action: My Service In 2020-21

by Bob Dillon

Actions are all that matter this year, amplified in partnership by people who are poised to build unapologetically and audaciously.

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In Crisis, Opportunity.

by jennifer@alplearn.com

The ALP team will draw from over 1,000 years of collective experience as we prepare to serve communities this fall. We pledge our full focus and care to help organizations reach all learners.

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Most Popular Stories

Profile for Innovative Educators

by Craig Bennett

We wanted to know what makes an educator innovative and how we as consultants and coaches can support others who are interested in building these skills.

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The School Leader As Designer

by Alexa Dunn

How might we ensure that leadership practices meet the needs of the students and teachers they are intended to serve?

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A Peek at the Horizon: ALP in 2019 - 2020

by Bob Dillon

Where have we been? Where are we going?

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