Our Services


ALP consultants collaborate with educators and leaders to build capacity to sustain large-scale learning transformations.

Organizational Change Leadership

ALP collaborates with districts to inspire, design, and implement complex and sustainable organizational change. Change leadership consulting includes services ranging from the early stage of building a shared vision and designing comprehensive change implementation plans to engaging diverse stakeholders across the district to realize that vision.

ALP’s consultation includes research-based approaches for enhancing diverse organizational commitment and community participation in implementing and scaling change. Change leaders benefit from customized design and approach that empowers and amplifies change based on the district’s unique organizational strengths and needs.

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Leadership & Learning in the ‘New Normal’

An element of attentive leadership is an unwavering commitment to the real-time learning of teams. This investment in people amplifies the collective impact and empowers  individuals to be the change their communities need.

Facilitated Learning Walks

Learning walks are a powerful form of adult learning and collaboration that harness high-yield networking and design within and between schools. ALP applies lessons learned from well over 10,000 classroom visits to help communities scale sustainable versions of this powerful type of professional learning. Over the course of multiple rounds, our consultants work with administrators, coaches, and teachers to build team capacity to independently and dynamically facilitate learning walks. Learning communities can also collaborate with our senior consulting team around the realization of innovative formative data or the scaled expansion of learning walk protocols.

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What Do You Do With an Idea?

Commit to paying more attention to your ideas no matter how big or small they are.

Trailblazer Cohorts

ALP applies job-embedded (when appropriate), virtual and blended coaching practices to empower teacher leaders– referred to here as Trailblazers–as they take risks to help lead the early implementation of a school/district-wide learning model. Our coaches support these Trailblazers as they model transformative teaching practices, make a commitment to support colleagues, and advocate for continuous learning. Trailblazers integrate research-based practices and learner-centered pedagogies within their everyday facilitation. Over time, their learning environments can become Model Classrooms that welcome coaches and educators to catalyze innovative ideas and practices. Trailblazers can also support colleagues in their own classrooms through collaborative design and confidential feedback.

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Trailblazer Spotlight: Beth Gillikin

Beth says it best herself: her students can do anything on their Chromebooks, but what she and her students have learned is so much more than use of a tool.

Innovation Launch

ALP helps to tune and synthesize the collective efforts of trailblazers, coaching teams and site leaders around the sustainable realization of learner-centric models. This form of highly specialized consulting simplifies and streamlines professional collaboration instead of compounding ‘initiative overload’.

Through a combination of implementation planning and professional learning, organizations leverage customized metrics, protocols and resources aligned to their prioritized language and culture. The direct result of this support is increased fidelity to learning model goals across a range of content areas and learning thresholds.

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When Beliefs About Learning Drive Technology Use

One district leverages a technology roll-out delay to lay a foundation for reimagining their approach to learning design.

Coaching Academy

ALP adopts a process-driven approach to building the leadership capacity of K-12 coaches and specialists. Using appreciative inquiry, our coaches leverage a strengths-based approach to making visible and accessible high-yield coaching strategies and formative data tools that positively impact teachers and administrators. Coaches who participate in a Coaching Academy prioritize professional growth goals and receive personalized whole-group, virtual and site-based support from their ALP coach.  Together, they deepen collective capacity to promote a learning culture rooted in student and educator agency. They build their understanding around a unified coaching mindset in alignment with district vision and priority initiatives.

Leadership Learning Series

ALP engages cohorts of school leaders and/or district administrators in dynamic, application-based “deep dives” that serve to scale sustainable, learner-centered models. Over the course of each Leadership Institute, participants apply a series of case studies and curated resources to develop yearlong plans that nurture community dialog and iterative practice informed by responsive formative feedback. Together, they work to create a practical, unified approach to operationalize inclusive, accessible and clearly defined learner-centered outcomes.

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Leadership & Learning in the ‘New Normal’

An element of attentive leadership is an unwavering commitment to the real-time learning of teams. This investment in people amplifies the collective impact and empowers  individuals to be the change their communities need.