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Summer Pathways Culminating Collaboration
The story is, who you brought with you in spirit…

Our Values In Action: My Service In 2020-21
Actions are all that matter this year, amplified in partnership by people who are poised to build unapologetically and audaciously.

In Crisis, Opportunity.
The ALP team will draw from over 1,000 years of collective experience as we prepare to serve communities this fall. We pledge our full focus and care to help organizations reach all learners.

Deeper Assessment: Why don’t we practice what we know we should do?
What do we really want students to know and be able to do? How do we determine what’s important? To them? To us? To our subject areas? To our communities?

Connecting Careers, Curriculum, and Community
How might connections between and among curriculum, career, and community promote deeper learning, active engagement, and equity?

“Zoomed Out” Reimagining Professional Learning Recap
“Zoomed Out” has become part of our vernacular. How come? And how might we reimagine Professional Learning around it?

Learner Profile Design and Implementation
How might we amplify our efforts by networking with those who are on a similar journey?

ALP Welcomes Julie
Our newest employee is looking forward to rolling up her sleeves to navigate challenges that communities have truly never navigated before.

Finding Bright Spots
How might a collective focus on what’s working help us tackle seemingly insurmountable challenges this spring and beyond?

3 Ways to Ensure We Don’t Miss the Opportunity for Education
Being intentional is hard under normal circumstances. Being intentional when asked to engage in rapid innovation borne of necessity? Challenging, but possible.