Featured Consultant

Lisa Anne Floyd

Education Consultant

About Lisa

Lisa loves to share her passion for creative coding and digital making tools with students and teachers at school districts and educational conferences across Canada.

She is a PhD student at Western University where she is focusing on best practices for professional learning and teacher education related to coding. Lisa has her Master’s in Mathematics Education and teaches Computational Thinking in Mathematics and Science Education in the Bachelor of Education program at Western. She has received several teaching and research awards, including the Waterloo University’s Renes Descartes Foundation Medal, the Art Geddes Learning About Teaching Award, and the Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching at Western’s Faculty of Education. Lisa is a coauthor of Coding for Young Mathematicians, which explores teaching coding in Scratch and Python for grades 1 to 8. She has also published in academic journals, book chapters, and blogs and regularly contributes teaching supports to several organizations and school districts. Lisa is on a leave of absence from Thames Valley District School Board in London, Ontario, where she has years of experience teaching high school Computer Science, Math, Science and Cooperative Education.


Highlighted Recognitions:

Art Geddes – “Learning About Teaching” Memorial Award (2020)

Rene Descartes Foundation Medal – University of Waterloo (2019)

Grad student Innovation Scholar (2019)

Vanguard Award – WORLDiscoveries (2019)

Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (2017, 2019)

Key Skills and Qualifications

  • Keynote Speaker
  • Facilitating Professional Development related to teacher education and coding
  • CS Education - K-12
  • Research K-12 Education
  • Math Education Consultant