Our Services


ALP works to build a deep understanding of the unique needs of each partner so that we may inspire and unite all learners.

Discovery Sessions

ALP facilitates an inclusive, interactive experience revealing a purposeful vision for student learning, with built-in time to define and commit to practical action steps. Stakeholders who participate in one or more Discovery Sessions co-develop a refined vision for what learning will look like across their community. Central and site-based administrators, board members, teachers, students, caregivers, and community leaders collaborate to define prioritized action steps that collectively advance a vision authentically tied to the culture and needs of their community.

Facilitated Learning Experiences

ALP assists with the coordination and execution of professional learning events of virtually every size and outcome.  The format for these experiences may include virtual workshops, conference sessions, social media chats, edCamp engagement, and leadership retreats. Sessions can be facilitated in person (where appropriate), virtually or in blended/personalized modalities. Participants emerge with challenging new insights as well as the protocols, tools, and resources to drive unique and diverse professional learning interests.

Learning and Leadership Institutes

ALP engages cohorts of educators and/or cross-functional teams in dynamic, application-based “deep dives” to support the sustainable implementation of learner-centered experiences. Over the course of each Learning Institute, participants synthesize protocols, curriculum-aligned pedagogies and curated technologies for equitable, inclusive and rich student learning experiences. Together, they work to create a practical, disciplined plan to formatively shift learning outcomes as a responsive team.

Leadership Consulting

ALP supports school, district and board leadership teams as they inspire and build local capacity to diffuse innovative teaching and learning practices throughout their schools. Participating leaders apply protocols to unpack clear, practical language supporting learner-centered models and apply proven leadership strategies that promote co-owned, sustained growth over time.

Participants benefit from attentive visioning, professional development, and practical implementation consulting that personalize district/board vision across all grade levels and subject areas.  Leaders work in small cohorts to concretely define actionable steps and identify necessary resources to initiate the conditions that support redefining the learning experience for teachers, students, and the greater community.


ALP presents a tailored, highly engaging experience that inspires people to co-author and realize a collective vision for purposeful learning. A well-crafted and facilitated keynote promotes an increased sense of excitement and responsibility to transform learning. It expands the common language articulating the ‘why’, ‘what’, and ‘how’ of change. Following the address, many participants are more likely to see themselves in the movement to energize their community’s vision for realizable, learner-centered outcomes.

Innovative Networking Teams

ALP fosters connections between and among members of our wide network of trailblazing educators, instructional leaders, and district innovators. Through social media avenues, facilitated virtual discussions, and cross-partnership site visits (when appropriate), participating educators grow together and learn from each other’s experiences. Driven by a common sense of purpose that stretches beyond the boundaries of any one school or district, these relationships spur on new learning through deep partnerships that unite isolated educators into a community of learners.
